Jan Paul Ostendorf

Chief Brand Officer

Area of Expertise

Branding, Naming, Messaging, Visual Communications


34 Years


The Builder-Conductor

Jän's purpose profile can be summed up in one word; BUILDER. Jän is able to take in all the information around him and knows where to focus his energy or how to push his team. He appreciates a good plan, but is little less excited about creating the plan than making it happen. Once he has a clear vision of a desired state, he works relentlessly to make it happen.

“Man's search for meaning is the primary motivation in his life.” — Victor Frankl

Jän grew up in Dayton, Ohio — the invention capital of the United States for much of the early 1900s — where he invented (Patent#5551178), developed, and brought to market the first collapsible, non-metal, lightweight real estate sign in 1994 under the company he started called FlexSign.
Within his 34-year career, he has started several companies, written a few books (Power of Purpose: Creating Distinct Patterns through Branding”, “Branding on Purpose Workbook: A Guide for Small Business Owners), and received some International Creative Awards. He spends most of his time as a Brand Strategist, providing clarity in foundational business strategy, direction, naming, branding, and business model concepts.
Accomplishments: Bachelor in Industrial Design from The Ohio State University, International Hermes Creative Awards from the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals for Naming and Branding Projects, Ordained Christian Minister, Awaking School of Theology, Practices Ashtanga Yoga, and is currently building the house he designed in Dahlonega, Georgia.‍


your ultimate aim


your ultimate aim